Your child’s needs are of the utmost importance to the school during their time here. We strive to make sure each and every child is well looked after.
It is a rare student who never needs help. Some students need more help than others, and this often involves teamwork in which the student, the parents, the Personal Learning Guide and Year Manager work together to try to resolve problems as they develop.
We value our contacts with parents very highly, because you are the people who know your children best of all. We need you to keep us informed when life is not going smoothly, for it is amazing how much a student can be helped at school when all the facts are known to us.
Personal Excellence Planning for You (PEP4U)
Each student will have a member of staff who is their Personal Learning Guide (PLG) to provide individual planning and guidance time for them to succeed at our school. PLGs work in Year Teams and their work is overseen by the Year Managers who are led by the Achievement and Access Team Manager. See more on our PEP4U page.
Behaviour and Education Support Team (BEST)
The role of the Behaviour and Education Support Team (BEST) is to promote emotional well-being, positive mental health, positive behaviour and excellent school attendance. The team will also assist in identifying and supporting those with, or at risk of developing, emotional and behavioural needs by providing multi-agency support for students and their families.