Education at The Radclyffe School
The Radclyffe School prides itself on the outstanding education it offers all its students, ensuring that our 21st century learners are young people who have the opportunity to strive for Personal excellence.
You can view our curriculum structure here.
The Radclyffe School delivers an education that provides the opportunity for your child to build on their strengths, overcome their weaknesses and develop into intelligent, confident and respectful members of society.
Our curriculum is personalised to the needs of each child allowing them the opportunity to fulfil their potential and prepare them for the wider world of education and work.
Our formal curriculum encompasses all statutory DfE requirements and allows students to follow many different pathways which will lead to further education, university, apprenticeships or work. (Key Stage 3 , Key Stage 4)
To complement our formal curriculum we also provide an excellent enrichment curriculum; this provides students with the opportunity to showcase their creative skills as well as developing independence and interpersonal skills.
If you would like any more information about the curriculum we offer to our students please address your questions to the Curriculum Deputy Head via email at, or by phone 0161 622 3200.