Please watch the video below which explains information about GL’s CAT4.
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4) is a diagnostic assessment designed to help teachers understand how their students learn best and what their academic potential might be. It assesses how students think in areas that are known to make a difference to learning.
While many tests focus on a child’s attainment in core subjects, CAT4 gives a much broader, more rounded view of each child, their potential and how they learn. Results help teachers decide about the pace of learning that is right for a student and whether additional support or challenge is needed.
Each test will assess a student’s reasoning (thinking) abilities. Tasks involve thinking about shapes and patterns (Non-Verbal Reasoning), words (Verbal Reasoning), numbers (Quantitative Reasoning) and some questions are answered by mentally generating and transforming visual images (Spatial Ability).
CAT 4 data will complement the transition information already received from your child’s primary school and help inform their targets for GCSEs.
It is important that your child does not feel anxious as no pre-learning, revision or knowledge is needed to complete the tests so please do reassure them.
Further information on CAT4 Testing can be accessed using the links below and in the FAQs.