Café Mojo is our school dining area, offering a wide choice of healthy, nutritious food and drinks. Our catering provider is Taylor Shaw. The cashless payment system is safe, secure, quick and easy to use.
Our modern dining room, called Café Mojo, offers delicious hot and cold food before school, at break and lunchtimes. The Radclyffe School has achieved the ‘Healthy Schools Standard’ and healthy and nutritious food and drink is available across the school day.
Cashless Catering System
Café Mojo operates a cashless biometric system. Each student has their own Café Mojo account. This system recognises each individual and records how much money is received and spent. It will also record what food and drink is purchased and at what time of day.
A student will keep the same Café Mojo account until they leave The Radclyffe School, usually at the end of year 11. A leaver (student or staff) can get back money left on their Café Mojo account from the Catering Manager in Café Mojo. Any balances that are unclaimed will be passed from Taylor Shaw to the school. The school will be responsible for the money and hold it for 12 months for parents or students to reclaim. After this time the money will be used for altruistic purposes that benefit the school community.
Current Prices
Our lastest prices for the Cafe can be found here.
Current Menus
Click to see the Cafe Mojo Week 1 Menu
Click to see the Cafe Mojo Week 2 Menu
Click to see the Cafe Mojo Week 3 Menu
Allergy Information
Click to see the Cafe Mojo Food Allergen Policy