Our weekly celebration of students’ excellence.
The Book of Excellence is a striking celebration of the school’s ethos. Created from our students’ design concepts, at its heart the book is building a permanent, ever-growing record of our students’ achievement and excellence throughout the school.
Each week a student from each year group is chosen from staff nominations, their success recorded in the book for everyone to see. The pages build up an archive of distinction through the year.
Sarah nominated by Miss Clegg
Sarah has overcome many difficulties, even more so than her peers, settling into The Radclyffe School. On day one, Sarah was very unhappy and didn’t feel like she would settle or like it here, however she has taken it one day at a time, and has already earned 45 positive logs!
Her teachers speak very highly of her, and I am very proud of the way she has grown independent over a short period of time.
Eesa nominated by Mrs Zahid
I would like to nominate Eesa for the Book of Excellence.
Eesa always brings an excellent attitude to learning in his lessons and shows great manners and positivity all the time.
Well done Eesa!
Ethan nominated by Miss Bennett
I would like to nominate Ethan for the Book of Excellence.
Throughout the school day Ethan is always living our values and being kind, opening doors and supporting members of staff around school.
Well done Ethan.
Aiesha nominated by Mrs Black
I would like to nominate Aiesha for the Book of Excellence.
Aiesha has made a brilliant start to Physics. She demonstrates a very positive attitude to her learning, and a willingness to make a fresh start in Year 10. Physics can be a tricky subject so hard work and determination to do well are really important!
Tamanna nominated by Mrs Weaver
I would like to nominate Tamanna for the Book of Excellence.
Tamanna has returned to school with a really positive attitude, she has recently started her GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition coursework and has already made lots of progress.
Keep up the good work!